Engineering Solutions

ADMAS Manager

ADMAS Manager

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ADMAS Manager

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The ADMAS Manager is a tool accessible in the RADIOSS Utility menu. The ADMAS Manager provides the following features in one convenient tab:

Display all masses in the model
Display individual masses
Create new, and edit existing, simple and advanced mass formulations
View, find attached, and update details of individual ADMAS, though the card editor and the Admas panel.


Create ADMAS

To create a new mass, make a selection in the Type field.

M option - nodal mass defined separately on each selected node.
MADV0 option - nodal mass defined on the selected nodes as a set. Defined mass is the mass added to each node in the set.
MADV1 option - nodal mass defined on the selected nodes as a set. Defined mass is the total mass added to nodes in the set.




See Also:

Admas panel

Tools Menu

RADIOSS Utility Menu