Engineering Solutions

ANSYS Solver Interface

ANSYS Solver Interface

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ANSYS Solver Interface

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The HyperMesh ANSYS interface allows you to:

Read an ANSYS ASCII database
Create and edit an ANSYS ASCII database from within HyperMesh
Preview and edit ANSYS cards after they are created
Summarize ANSYS elements, loads, and properties
Output an ANSYS ASCII database
Convert an ANSYS binary results file into a HyperMesh binary results file that can be read into HyperMesh for post-processing
Assign macro commands to modify HyperMesh’s default ANSYS output


HyperMesh treats ANSYS as a card image code.

HyperMesh supports ANSYS element types for STATIC STRUCTURAL, THERMAL, and MODAL analyses using ANSYS versions 15.0, and earlier version. ANSYS 15.0 and earlier .rst, .rmg and .rth files can be read in HyperView. HyperMesh can read .rst, .rmg and .rth files from ANSYS 8.1 or earlier versions. To read result files later than 8.1, use HyperView. Warnings and error messages are written to a file called ansys.msg. Unrecognized lines are written to a *.hmx file. These files are created in the directory from which HyperMesh is launched.

The ANSYS interface is only available once you have loaded the ANSYS user profile.




See Also:

Model browser

Solver browser

Connector browser

Using the Ansys Utility Menu

Supported Ansys Keywords

Include Files

Solver Conversion