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Assemblies entityAssemblies-24

Assemblies entityAssemblies-24

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Assemblies entityAssemblies-24

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Assemblies collect and organize sub-assemblies and components into hierarchal data structures which are intended to reflect the data structure of the product being modeled.  Furthermore, components are intended to be organizational containers for the geometry and FE idealization of physical parts which make up the product. Assemblies are created, edited and deleted from the Model browser and are shown under the Assembly Hierarchy folder. The Assembly Hierarchy folder shows a list of assemblies which can be expanded to show the components organized within those assemblies. The Assembly Hierarchy folder also shows a list of components which are currently not organized into any assembly at the bottom of the Assembly Hierarchy folder.  

Components can be organized into an assembly using drag and drop technology within the Model browser. Components can be organized into more than one assembly. Therefore, components are not mutually exclusive to an assembly. To organize a component into more than one assembly drag and drop with the control key depressed.  In general it is not recommended to organize components into multiple assemblies if it can be avoided.

Assemblies have a display state, on or off, which control the display state of all components organized within the assembly in the graphics area.  The display state of an assembly can be controlled using the icons next to the assembly in the Model browser. Geometry and element display states can be controlled separately for assemblies. See components for the display state rules of components.

Assemblies also have an active and export state. The active state of an assembly controls the display state of the assembly and the listing of the assembly and its components in the Model browser and any of its views. If an assembly is active, then its display state is available to be turned on or off and the assembly and its components are listed in the Model browser and any of its views.  If an assembly is inactive, then its display state is turned off permanently (and hence also its components) and the assembly and its components are not listed in the Model browser or any of its views. If a find operation "finds" an inactive assembly, that assembly will automatically be set to active.

The export state of an assembly controls whether or not that assembly, including all components organized within the assembly, are exported when the custom export option is utilized. The all export option is not affected by the export state of an assembly. The active and export states of assemblies can be controlled using the Entity State browser.  See components for the active and export state rules for components.

Operations performed on an assembly do not affect the components collected within the assembly. For example, if you delete an assembly, the components in the assembly are not deleted, but are instead returned to the list of components which are currently not organized into any assembly.

The data names associated with assemblies can be found in the data names section of the HyperMesh Reference Guide.


Solver Card Support for Assemblies


Supported Cards

Solver Description

Supported Parameters

HyperMesh Notes


Describes the subsets.



hmtoggle_arrow1PAM-CRASH 2G

Supported Cards

Solver Description

Supported Parameters

HyperMesh Notes


Describes an assembly of multibodies





See Also:


Entities & Solver Interfaces

Include Files
