Engineering Solutions

Include Files

Include Files

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Include Files

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Most solvers allow solver decks to be split into separate files for organizational purposes. They also provide a mechanism to include these files in a master solver deck, typically using an include statement. This capability is commonly referred to as solver include files. Solver include files can generally have any solver card defined within them, therefore the include file entity needs the capability to store and organize all entities. Every entity is stored and organized into an include file. There is a special include file called the master model which corresponds to the master solver deck and is automatically created for every HM model.    

The current include file is shown in the status bar and can be set by clicking on that status bar area or by using the context sensitive menu of the Model browser. Entities are automatically stored and organized into the current include file.  If there are no include files defined then entities are automatically stored and organized into the master model.

The Model browser can be used to create, edit, and delete include files. Every include file has a name and a location with a full or relative path. The Model browser can also be used to review and organize entities into include files using drag and drop functionality. The Organize panel can also be used to organize entities into include files.

Include files do not have a display, active, or export state of their own. However, the Model browser and Entity State browser can be used to manipulate the display, active, and export state of all entities organized within the include file as a group by using the context sensitive menu within these browsers.  

Solver decks are imported and exported with include file structures using three options which are selected on the import and export tabbed dialogs:

preserve includes

Preserves the solver include file structure by generating include files to match and organizes all data within the solver include files into the appropriate include file.  The option also preserves the solver include file references in the master model.  When exporting with this option all entities are written into their corresponding solver include files along with their references in the master solver deck.

skip includes

The data within the solver include files is not imported into Engineering Solutions. The solver include file references are maintained and are written out to the master solver deck during export.

merge includes

The data from the all solver include files are imported into the master model and the solver include file references are not maintained. When exporting, all entities are written into the master solver deck.



See Also:


Entities & Solver Interfaces

Collectors and Collected Entities

Named Entities

Morphing Entities

Optimization Entities

Model Setup