Engineering Solutions

User Profiles

User Profiles

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User Profiles

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User profiles automatically manage the loading of templates and FE-input readers for a given solver interface in the current session. User profiles also customize the Utility menus and the panels that are available during the current session. Several user profiles are available in Engineering Solutions including:  








A user profile should be selected before opening a database file or importing a solver deck. Select a user profile by clicking the userProfile-24 icon on the Standard toolbar. Once a user profile is selected, it is recommended to not change it while the current database is populated. To safely switch user profiles, first start a new database by clicking the fileNewModel-24 icon on the Standard toolbar, then switch the user profile.      


Note:Selecting a user profile does not convert a currently populated database to the selected solver interface. For the purpose of converting the current database to another solver interface use the Convert menu item on the menu bar.  

See Also:

Entities & Solver Interfaces