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Bags entityBags-24

Bags entityBags-24

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Bags entityBags-24

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Bags collect and organize entities.  The entities that are permissible for a bag entity to collect are determined by the configuration of the bag.  There are ten configurations of a bag entity which can be created as listed below.  Bags are shown under the Bag folder within the Model browser.


Bag Configurations



FBD Forces (All Loads)

FBD Forces (Applied Loads)

FBD Forces (Reaction Loads)

FBD Displacements

Resultant Force & Moment

FBD Cross-section

ADM Part

ADM Material


Currently, only the optimization configuration of bag entity can be created, edited, and deleted.  Optimization bag entities can be created, edited, and deleted using the Optimization View within the Model browser.  All other configurations of bag entities can be created, edited, and deleted using the Tcl Modify Commands *bagcreate and *bagentityupdate.

Bags have a display state, on or off, which control the display state of all entities organized within the bag in the graphics area.  The display state of a bag can be controlled using the icons next to the bag in the Model browser.

Bags also have an active and export state.  The active state of a bag controls the display state of the bag and the listing of the bag and its collected entities in the Model browser and any of its views.  If a bag is active, then its display state is available to be turned on or off and the bag and its collected entities are listed in the Model browser and any of its views.  If a bag is inactive, then its display state is turned off permanently (and hence also all its collected entities) and the bag and its collected entities are not listed in the Model browser or any of its views.

The export state of a bag controls whether or not that bag and its collected entities are exported when the custom export option is utilized.  The all export option is not affected by the export state of a bag.  The active and export states of bags can be controlled using the Entity State browser.

Operations performed on a bag do not affect the entities collected within the bag.  For example, if you delete a bag, the entities collected within the bag are not deleted.

The data names associated with bags can be found in the data names section of the HyperMesh Reference Guide.


Solver Card Support for Bags

Currently no solver support is available.



See Also:

Optimization Browser View

Model Browser

Entity State Browser

Entities & Solver Interfaces

Include Files