
Creates a bag entity.


*bagcreate name config


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command creates a bag entity.


The name of the bag entity to create.
The configuration of the bag. The entities that are allowed to be contained inside a bag of a certain config are hard-coded in HyperMesh. Supported values are:
  • 1 – Generic – Can contain any entities, including other bags.
  • 2 – Optimization Problem – Can contain any optimization entities.
  • 3 – FBD Forces (All Loads) – Can contain loadcols, elem set, systems, or nodes.
  • 4 – FBD Forces (Applied Loads Only) – Can contain loadcols, elem set, system, or node.
  • 5 – FBD Forces (Reaction Loads Only) – Can contain loadcols, elem set, system, or node.
  • 6 – FBD Displacements – Can contain loadcols, elem set, node set, or system.
  • 7 – Resultant Force & Moment – Can contain loadcols, system, “FBD Cross-section” bag.
  • 8 – FBD Cross-section – Can contain elem set, node set, system, or node.
  • 9 - ADMPart.
  • 10 - ADMMaterial.


To create an optimization problem bag ossetup1:
*bagcreate ossetup1 2
To create a FBD displacements bag fbddisp:
*bagcreate fbddisp 6


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
