
Unmasks the specified entities contained within the specified collectors.


*unmaskentitiesincollector entity_type mark_id flag_1 flag_2 flag_3 flag_4 flag_5 flag_6


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command unmasks the entities contained within the collectors of entity_type that are on mark_id. Valid mark_ids are 1 and 2. Only entities in displayed collectors may be unmasked.

The six flag arguments indicate the type of entities to unmask within the specified collectors. If the flag is set to 1, that entity is unmasked. If the flag is set to 0, that entity is not modified. Currently supported entity_types and flags are:


flag_1– elements
flag_2– points
flag_3– lines
flag_4– surfaces
flag_5– solids
flag_6– connectors
flag_1 – master elements
flag_2– slave elements
flag_3through flag_6 are not used.
flag_1– loads
flag_2– equations
flag_3through flag_6 are not used.
flag_1– ellipsoids
flag_2– mbjoints
flag_2 – mbplanes
flag_4 through flag_6 are not used


To unmask all of the points and surfaces in the displayed components:

*createmark components 1 displayed
*unmaskentitiesincollector comps 1 0 1 0 1 0 0

To unmask all ellipsoids and mbjoints in all multibodies:

*createmark multibodies 2 all
*unmaskentitiesincollector multibodies 2 1 1 0 0 0 0


Incorrect usage of *unmaskentitiesincollector results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:

if { [ catch {*unmaskentitiesincollector comps 3 1 1 1 1 1 1} ] } {
# Handle error

Version History
