
Sets some of the edge-specific parameters for the automeshing module.


*set_meshedgeparams edge_index elem_density alg_type bias_style bias min_size max_size chordal_dev max_angle


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command sets the edge-specific parameters for the automeshing module. It controls both standard and chordal mesh algorithm parameters.


The index of the edge in the particular surface under consideration. This is a 0-based index that operates on the edges in the order they are returned from hm_getsurfaceedges. One can query the edges for a surface using hm_getsurfaceedges, and then the index of each edge in the returned list (starting from 0) are the possible indices.
The density of elements to use along the given edge.
1 – Use size & biasing algorithm
2 – Use chordal deviation algorithm. When the command is being called for the first time for an edge, or when any of the chordal deviation parameters have been changed, the elem_density parameter is ignored and the edge element density is set to the value required by the chordal deviation parameters. Subsequent calls of the command with the same chordal deviation parameters reset the edge element density to the specified value with the same along edge density distribution. Calling the command with elem_density = 0 results in the resetting of the edge element density to the value required by the chordal deviation parameters.
The style of biasing to use. Valid values are:
  • 0 – linear
  • 1 – exponential
  • 2 – bell curve
The biasing value of the element length to use along the given edge.
The minimum element size for the edge for chordal deviation meshing.
The maximum element size for the edge for all alg_type.
The maximum chordal deviation distance for the element for the edge.
The maximum turn angle value (in degrees) between adjacent element links for the edge for chordal deviation meshing.


To create specify deviation based node seeding for edge 29 with minimum element size 0.5, maximum element size 15.0, maximum chordal deviation 0.2, and maximum element links turn angle 25 degrees with the element density required by the chordal deviation parameters:

*set_meshedgeparams 29 0 0 0 0 0.5 15 0.2 25

Same example as above, but with element density 4 requiring that the command be applied twice:

*set_meshedgeparams 29 4 0 0 0 0.5 15 0.2 25
*set_meshedgeparams 29 4 0 0 0 0.5 15 0.2 25


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error