
Defines a name and signature for a new entity bundle.


*entitybundleregister name entity_type_list also_delete_instance


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Defines a name and signature for a new entity bundle.

In that case, you would usually use alsodeleteinstance to additionally discard that data saved with that bundle name. It is not necessary to discard the data. You could have the bundle registered and active only while a particular dialog or browser is displayed and unregister the definition whenever it is not displayed, but let the data persist between uses.


The name to use for the entity bundle. If the name is already in use, this overwrites the prior definition.
The signature to use for the data of the entity bundle. This is a list of entity type names (e.g. "components materials elements") with each item being a list of entities of those particular entity types. A maximum of 10 entity types can be provided.
If the signature specified is empty (""), then any existing definition is discarded.
If entity_type_list is empty, any data associated with that definition may be kept in the database for future use.
0 - Retain the data for future use
1 - Discard the data


To define a new of bundle named "compbundle" having 2 data items:

*entitybundleregister "compbundle" "components components" 1
To discard the bundle definition for "compbundle" and any data that may have been associated with it:
*entitybundleregister "compbundle" "" 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
