
Creates components that show the plate information present in the model.


*midsurface_display_plates use_base_surfaces plate_type


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


The command creates components that show the plate information present in the model. The plate information is drawn for the following surfaces:
  • All surfaces of the currently active components (i.e., with geometry display turned on).
  • All surfaces of non-active components (i.e. with geometry display turned off) that possess an active (i.e. geometry display turned on) middle surface.


This specifies whether the user-defined base surfaces will be taken into account when displaying the plate information. Valid values are:
0 - Base surface information is not taken into account. The existing plate information is left intact and displayed as is.
1 - Base surface information is taken into account. The existing plate information is displayed, however all the surfaces of all plates (planar or sweep) that contain a base surface are turned into offset plates.
Specifies which plate information to display. Valid values are:
0 - Draw plates of all type (as well as non-plates, like plate edge, transition, not-a-trim surfaces, etc...) This was the default behavior pre-14.0.
1 - Display planar plates only
2 - Display sweep plates only
3 - Display offset plates only


To show the plate information on all currently displayed components, without taking base surface information into account:

*midsurface_display_plates 0 0

To show the plate information about only sweep plates from all currently displayed components, taking base surface information into account:

*midsurface_display_plates 1 2


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
