
Sets the active/inactive state of all supported entities contained within the specified include file.


*includesuppressactive include_id include_shortname state


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command sets the active/inactive state of all supported entities contained within the include file (but not the include file itself) with include_id and include_shortname. Only one of these two options need to be specified, however include_id will take precedence if specified. Double quotes "" must be used for an argument that is not specified.

Include files do not have an active/inactive state, only the entities contained within them.


The state argument indicates the active/inactive status for the supported entities contained in the include.
  • 0 - Indicates to set the entities to active and turn on their display.
  • 1 - Indicates to set the entities to inactive and remove them from the display.
  • 2 - Indicates to set the entities to active but not to re-display them.


To set all supported entities contained within include file ID 5 to active and re-display:

*includesuppressactive 5 "" 0

To set all supported entities contained within include file shortname include .txt to inactive:

*includesuppressactive "" include.txt 1

To set all supported entities contained within include file ID 5 to active and not re-display:

*includesuppressactive 5 "" 2


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
