
Partitions seam connectors.


*CE_ConnectorPartition connector_mark_id non_normal use_tol tol passed_comp_type passed_comp number_passed_type passed_start_id failed_comp_type failed_comp number_failed_type failed_start_id backup backup_comp_type backup_comp


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command can be used to partition seam connectors. Each test point is tested for at least two available projections. This happens with respect to the tolerance specified on the connector or to the tolerance given in the command. The connectors become partitioned into passed and failed seam connector pieces. These connectors can be organized in different components and follow certain numbering rules. The original connectors can also be backed up.


The mark ID containing the connectors to update. Valid values are 1 and 2.
0 - Use normal projection (recommended, <5° is considered normal).
1 - Use non-normal projection.
Flag indicating the tolerance to use.
  • 0 - Use original tolerance.
  • 1 - Use tolerance by tol.
The tolerance to use if use_tol is 1.
The method to store the passed connectors.
  • 0 - Passed connectors will be organized into the newly created component "CE partition passed".
  • 1 - Passed connectors will be organized into the current component.
  • 2 - Passed connectors will be organized into the connectors' original component.
  • 3 - Passed connectors will be organized into the specified component passed_comp.
The name of the component to use if passed_comp_type is 3.
Method to renumber passed connectors.
  • 0 - Passed connectors will be renumbered/created beginning with the connector ID defined by passed_start_id. Any IDs already is use are skipped.
  • 1 - Passed connectors will be renumbered/created beginning with lowest available (unused) connector ID.
Connector ID for renumbering the passed connectors when number_passed_type is set to 0.
The method to store the failed connectors.
  • 0 - Failed connectors will be organized into the newly created component "CE partition failed".
  • 1 - Failed connectors will be organized into the current component.
  • 2 - Failed connectors will be organized into the connectors' original component.
  • 3 - Failed connectors will be organized into the specified component failed_comp.
The name of the component to use if failed_comp_type is 3.
Method to renumber failed connectors.
  • 0 - Failed connectors will be renumbered/created beginning with the connector ID defined by failed_start_id. Any IDs already is use are skipped.
  • 1 - Failed connectors will be renumbered/created beginning with lowest available (unused) connector ID.
Connector ID for renumbering the failed connectors when number_failed_type is set to 0.
Flag indicating whether to backup the original connectors before partitioning.
  • 0 - Do not backup.
  • 1 - Backup.
The method to store the backup connectors if backup is 1.
  • 0 - Backup connectors will be organized into the newly created component "^CE partition backup".
  • 1 - Backup connectors will be organized into the specified component backup_comp.
The name of the component to use if backup_comp_type is 1.


Partition the connectors 1-100. This is done using a normal projection with a tolerance of 20. The passed connectors will be moved into the original connector component and their IDs will continue. The failed connectors will be moved into the new "CE partition failed" component, and will begin with ID 5000. No backup of the original connectors will be made.
*createmark connectors 1 1-100
*CE_ConnectorPartition 1 0 1 20.0 2 "" 1 1 0 "CE partition failed" 0 5000 0 0 ""


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
