
Creates layered solid or shell elements in one or more thin solids.


*elemoffset_thinsolid entity_type_source mark_id_source entity_type_target mark_id_target entity_type_along mark_id_along modes density bias string_array number_of_strings


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


A thin solid is a volume defined either by a solid entity or enclosed by a combination of elems and surfs, in that the volume faces are well separated into source, destination, and along groups either by the feature angle with the auto-detection option, or by user manual selection. The source, destination, and along face groups are related to each other similar to that used for solid map, except each face group here can have multiple faces with more arbitrary connectivity. In the resulting mesh, the unsuppressed edges inside each group are not preserved.

There are some rules for how entities can be specified:
  1. Confined to the valid entity types for each face group, not all combination of selections are valid. Specifically, among the 3 face groups, only one can be solid and not more than 2 can be surfs.
  2. If solids are one of the selections, the 2 non-solid selections must be of surfs. If in addition, auto-detection is on, the 2 surfs selections can be empty and, internally, these will be auto-detected.


The source entity types:
  • Solids
  • Surfaces
  • Elements
The mark ID containing the source entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The target entity types. Valid values are surfaces.
The mark ID containing the target entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The type of along entities. Valid values are:
  • Solids
  • Surfaces
  • Elements.
The mark ID containing the along entities. Valid values are 1 and 2.
An integer used as bit field flags to define mesh modes.
  • 0 – Elements to original component.
  • 2 – Elements to current component.
Bias style.
  • 0 – Linear
  • 4 – Exponential
  • 8 – Bell curve
Layer type.
  • 0 – Create solid element layers.
  • 16 – Create shell element layers.
Layer normal.
  • 0 – Use smooth normal to generate element layers.
  • 32 – Use simple layer normal to generate element layers.
Manual or auto-detection mode. Used only when one input is solids
  • 0 – Reserved, use manual selections as-is.
  • 64 – Use manual selections as-is. You must ensure all 3 selections are correct.
  • 128 – Do auto selection determination, then mesh the thin solids.
  • 192 – Do auto selection determination, but no not do meshing. Instead, save the auto-detected selections to the input marks for all 3 inputs.
Auto-detection save. Used only when one input is solids.
  • 0 – Do not save auto-detected selections.
  • 256 – Save auto-detected selections.
The number of elem layers to be creates in the along direction.
The biasing intensity value. The bias style is encoded in the modes flags.
The string array ID that contains the array of meshing parameters. The string array is created using the *createstringarray command. This should always be set to 1.
See the *tetmesh string_array argument CFD, 2D and pars strings for supported syntax and options.
Integer indicating the size (number of strings) in the string array created using *createstringarray. This must equal the number of columns in the table.


To mesh solid 1 by auto thin-solid detection with 5 layers of solid elems to the current comp. The 2D source mesh size is to be 2.2:
*createstringarray 2 "pars: bl_iter_max=300 bl_res_thr=0.03" "2d: 1 2 1 2.2 0.22 30 1"
*createmark solids 1 1
*createmark surfs 1 ""
*createmark surfs 2 ""
*elemoffset_thinsolid solids 1 surfaces 1 surfaces 2 130 5 0 1 2


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
