Card Previewer

The HyperMesh Card Image panel is used to define solver specific data and review card information. The format of the cards and the menus in the panel are defined in the export template, using HyperMesh Card Preview Commands.

Export templates exist for each solver supported by HyperMesh and are located in subfolders under the <altair_home>/templates/feoutput directory. They are loaded when the user profile is changed or from the Global panel. A card image for each entity type is defined within the export template. Each entity type can have its own associated card image with appropriate options.

A sample card image for an OptiStruct MAT1 material collector is shown below:
Figure 1.

For each item in the above card image, the export template contains HyperMesh Card Preview Commands to define how the data is defined and reviewed in HyperMesh. A portion of the OptiStruct export template for the above card image is shown here:
    *menustring("MAT1    ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")

    *menustring("        ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")
        *menudefaultvalue("        ")