
hminlib is a set of routines which allows you to write an external input translator. These external programs transfer data in any user-understood format directly into a running copy of HyperMesh. All of the routines found in the hminlib library are designed for use with the C programming language.

The functions contained in hmlib are divided into seven groups. Most of these functions begin with the HMIN_ prefix:
  1. Basic functions: Provide basic functionality such as initialization and open/close.
  2. File locator functions: Provide the capability of working with file locators to easily find data inside a file.
  3. ID functions: Provide capabilities for initializing and working with entity IDs.
  4. Message functions: Enable you to send messages to HyperMesh, to the .msg file, or to the .hmx file.
  5. Move functions: Handle moving entities between collectors.
  6. Rename functions: Allow collectors to be renamed.
  7. Transfer functions: Functions that handle writing collectors and entities to the HyperMesh database.
Header files are included in source code files to define structures, variables, and prototypes. In order for a program to be compiled using the HyperMesh libraries, the program must use the header files provided with HyperMesh. These functions are provided in the hminlib.h header file.
Note: These libraries are built with the following compilers: Windows: Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1 (10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel) Linux: GCC version 4.7.2 20121015 (Red Hat 4.7.2-5) (GCC) Mac OS X: clang version 3.1 (tags/Apple/clang-318.0.58) based on LLVM 3.1svn