
Modifies the x or y coordinate of an existing point on a curve.


*curvemodifypointcords curve_id point_number -x xvalue -y yvalue


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Modifies the x or y coordinate of an existing point on a curve.


The ID of the queried curve.
The point number on the curve to be modified. Point numbering starts with 1.
The string identifiers to modify the x coordinate of the point.
The value to be modified of the x coordinate of the point.
The string identifiers to modify the y coordinate of the point.
The value to be modified of the y coordinate of the point.


To modify the x coordinate of the second point to 5.0:
*curvemodifypointcords($curve_id, 2, -x, 5.0)
To modify the y coordinate of the second point to 100.0:
*curvemodifypointcords($curve_id, 2, -y, 100.0)
To modify the second point x coordinate to 5.0 and y co-ordinate to 100.0:
*curvemodifypointcords($curve_id, 2, -x, 5.0, -y, 100.0)
Either -x xvalue or -y yvalue, or both can be specified.

If only x coordinate needs to be modified, specify -x xvalue.

If only y coordinate needs to be modified, specify -y yvalue.

If both x and y coordinates need to be modified, specify -x xvalue -y yvalue.