
Suppresses a group of edges.


*edgesmarksuppress mark break angle


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Suppresses a group of edges.


The mark ID that contains the edges to suppressed.
break angle
If the angle between the surfaces at the shared edge is less than or equal to the break angle, then the edge is suppressed. If the angle between the surfaces at the shared edge is greater than the break angle, the edge is not suppressed.


To suppress edges 5, 14, 21, and 30, with a break angle of 30 degrees:
*createmark(lines, 1) 5 14 21 30
*edgesmarksuppress(1, 30)

Only face edges which are interior to a surface or shared between two surfaces may be suppressed and unsuppressed. Suppressing an edge can combine two separate surfaces, and removes its affect on the mesh. The *createmark() command is required.