
Refines a zone of elements using an all quad pattern.


*refine_by_patterns mark_id node_id strings


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Refines a zone elements using an all quad pattern. The zone is described by a refinement box and center node. The refined mesh is then connected to the existing mesh using an all quad pattern through the transition zone, described by a transition box.

The refinement box will contain the refined elements, while the region between the refinement box and the transition box will contain quads patterns used to transition between the refined mesh and base mesh size.


The ID of the mark containing the elements to refine. Valid values are 1 and 2. Generally, it is best to select displayed elements and allow the proper elements within the box to be selected internally.
The ID of the node defining the center of the refinement box.
A string that contains the additional input parameters. Each string must be space separated, including between = and the value. All strings are mandatory.
Valid strings are:
auto_transition = <value>
Currently unused and should be set to 0.
refine_zone_height = <value>
Defines the height of the refinement zone.
refine_zone_length = <value>
Defines the length of the refinement zone.
refine_zone_size = <value>
Defines the mesh size within the refinement zone.
refine_zone_width = <value>
Defines the width of the refinement zone.
squeez = <value>
Currently unused and should be set to 1.
system_id = <value>
The ID of a local coordinate system to which the zones are oriented. A default of 0 (global system) is used if not specified.
transition_zone_height = <value>
Defines the height of the transition zone.
transition_zone_length = <value>
Defines the length of the transition zone.
transition_zone_width = <value>
Defines the width of the transition zone.


To refine elements around node 60 with refinement size 1 using a refinement box of dimension (10,15,20) and transition box of dimension (40,50,45):

*createmark elements 1 "displayed"
*refine_by_patterns 1 60 "refine_zone_size = 1 auto_transition = 0 transition_zone_length = 40 transition_zone_width = 50 transition_zone_height = 45 refine_zone_length = 10 refine_zone_width = 15 refine_zone_height = 20 system_id = 0 squeez = 1"


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
