
Generates a summary log file for last run penetration check.


*PenetrationCheckSummary filename sort_intersections sort_penetrations


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Command is used to generate a summary log file for last run penetration check. This file contains a flat list of intersected and penetrated components, followed by more detailed lists of each component-component pair data. If the last check’s input was specified by groups, then the above data is organized by groups, as well.


The name of the file, including its full path, to which the summary is written. The file is appended to if it already exists.
A flag that indicates how to sort intersection data. Valid values are:
  • 0 – No sorting
  • 1 – Ascending component ID
  • -1 – Descending component ID
  • 2 – Ascending element count
  • -2 – Descending element count
  • 3 – Ascending number of interfered components
  • -3 – Descending number of interfered components
A flag that indicates how to sort penetration data. Valid values are:
  • 0 – No sorting
  • 1 – Ascending component ID
  • -1 – Descending component ID
  • 2 – Ascending element count
  • -2 – Descending element count
  • 3 – Ascending number of interfered components
  • -3 – Descending number of interfered components
  • 4 – Ascending maximum penetration depth
  • -4 – Descending maximum penetration depth


Output results of the last penetration check (run using the command *checkpenetration) to the file C:\results\check.txt, with intersections sorted by ascending component ID and penetrations by descending maximum penetration depth:

*PenetrationCheckSummary "C:/results/check.txt" 1 -4


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
