
Modifies the length of a free line.


*lineeditlength id length derivative direction


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command is applied to a single free line to change its length. If a closed line is selected, one can only make its new length shorter. If the new length is chosen to be less than 1 tenth of the cleanup tolerance of the model, the line is deleted to avoid creating lines that are too short to be compatible with the model tolerance.


The ID of the free line to edit.
The new length of the line.
If a closed line is selected, one can only make its new length shorter.
If the new length is chosen to be less than 1 tenth of the cleanup tolerance of the model, the line is deleted to avoid creating lines that are too short to be compatible with the model tolerance.
A negative length is interpreted as first making the length of the line 0.0, in the direction given, and the extending in the opposite direction with the absolute value of the given length.
This option is used only when the new length is longer than the current length of the line.
1 - A straight line extension is made that is tangent to the line
2 - The extension follows the curvature of the line as well
1 - The change is made at the end point of the line, considering 0.0 length as the start point of the line.
-1 - The change is made at the start point of the line, that is in the reverse direction to the direction of the line.


Edit the length of line 1142, so that its new length is 80.0. If the line is made longer by this change, the extension is made only tangentially. The change is made at the start point of line:

*lineeditlength 1142 80.0 1 -1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
