
Turns the display of a mark of entities on or off, including toggling their current state.


*displaycollectorsallbymark mark_id mode elements geometry


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command turns the display of a mark of entities on or off, including toggling their current state. The function argument tells the command what it is supposed to do to the entities collected on the mark_id. Entities of many different types can, at the same time, be on the same mark_id.


The ID of the mark containing the entities. Entities of different types can be contained on their respective mark and will be operated on together.
The mode being performed, defined by the following:
  • on - All collectors are turned on.
  • all - All collectors are turned on.
  • off - All collectors are turned off.
  • none - All collectors are turned off.
  • toggle - All collectors are toggled (visible become invisible and vice-versa).
  • reverse - All collectors are toggled (visible become invisible and vice-versa).
  • isolate - For the entity types that have entities on mark_id, the marked entities are displayed, and all unmarked entities are hidden.
  • "isolate only" - For all entity types (regardless if any are on mark_id), the marked entities are displayed, and all unmarked entities are hidden.
For components and load collectors, determines whether the display affects elements/loads on elements.
  • 1 – Control elements/loads on elements.
  • 0 – Do not control elements/loads on elements.
For components and load collectors, determines whether the display affects geometry/loads on geometry.
  • 1 – Control geometry/loads on geometry.
  • 0 – Do not control geometry/loads on geometry.


To turn on the element in all the components, and the loads-on-elements of load collector IDs 1-3:
*createmark components 1 all
*createmark loadcols 1 1 2 3
*displaycollectorsallbymark 1 on 1 0

Version History
