
Used by the R-Mesh macro to quickly generate a quad/tria shell mesh for rigid tool surfaces.


*surface_rmesh min length max length chordal deviation fillet angle


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Used by the R-Mesh macro to quickly generate a quad/tria shell mesh for rigid tool surfaces.


min length
The smallest acceptable length of edges in mesh elements.
max length
The maximum acceptable length of mesh element edges.
chordal deviation
The maximum allowable chordal deviation between the edge of an element and the adjacent geometry.
fillet angle
The maximum allowable angle between two adjacent elements. Similar to chordal deviation, it determines the number of element edges that are used to describe the curvature of a given shape.


To create a mesh wuth a minimum element edge length of 0.5, a maximum element edge length of 30, and maximum chordal deviation of 0.1, and a maximum fillet angle of 15 degrees:


HyperMesh prioritizes these arguments in the same order that they are listed above: minimum length is top priority, followed by maximum length, then chordal deviation and minimum angle. Note that the final two arguments are given equal weight.

In actual practice, some element edges may still be smaller than the min length parameter, because they also depend on the lengths of edges in the model geometry.

