
Updates integer/real morphing parameters.


*morphupdateparameter parameter value


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command updates integer/real morphing parameters.


The parameter of interest. Valid parameters are:
handlesize: radius size of largest global handle (red)
handletolerance: no larger than 1/10th of handle size - used to calculate a number of small tolerance measures in HyperMorph
symsize: symmetry size domaincolor: range is 0 through 63 inclusive
symcolor: range is 0 through 63 inclusive
facecolor: range is 0 through 63 inclusive
globalmethod: method for passing down perturbations of global handles to the mesh:
  • 1 - direct (to nodes)
  • 2 - hierarchical (to local handles)
  • 3 - mixed method (to local handles or nodes directly if outside local domains)
globalsolve: method for solving global domains
  • 1 - geometric
  • 2 - spatial
  • 3 - Kriging (revert to geometric if unselected in options panel)
  • 4 - Kriging (revert to spatial if unselected in options panel)
domainangle: break angle for domains during partitioning
curvetolerance: curvature tolerance angle for domains during partitioning
partitionmethod: algorithm used for partitioning 2D domains which are at least 33% quads
  • 0 - element based
  • 1 - node based
partitionmethodtria: algorithm used for partitioning 2D domains which are at least 67% trias
  • 0 - element based
  • 1 - node based
  • 1 - divide when angle exceeds the domainangle
  • 2 - divide when angle exceeds the domainangle and when the angle between elements changes more than curvetolerance
partitionusegeometry: partition 2D domains along associated surfaces
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - on
partitionaddgeometry: add partitions found outside of associated surfaces to partitions created based on surfaces
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - on
influencethreshold: 0.0 - 1.0 minimum influence coefficient (must be greater than zero)
globalsystemid: ID of system used for morphing
debug: flag used for diagnostic file output
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - on
modechange: flag which denotes changes to the model which will trigger a refresh of the domains and handles. If set to 1, call *morphupdatecheck to refresh model
  • 0 - unchanged
  • 1 - changed
bigdomainlimit: smallest number of elements in domain for it to be considered a "large domain"
bigdomainsolve: frequency for solving large domains
  • 0 - manual
  • 1 - on release
  • 2 - real time
biasstyle: type of biasing used for handles
  • 0 - exponential
  • 1 - sinusoidal
symlinks: use of symmetry links when perturbing handles
  • 0 - all off
  • 1 - on (only active symmetries will be used)
constraints: apply constraints after morphing
  • 0 - all off
  • 1 - on (only active morphconstraints will be applied)
qaparam: type of check used during auto quality and auto remesh - use negative values for minimum check, positive values for maximum check
  • 1 - 1D length
  • 2 - 2D warpage
  • 3 - 2D skew
  • 4 - 2D aspect ratio
  • 5 - 2D length
  • 6 - 2D jacobian
  • 7 - 2D chordal deviation
  • 8 - 2D quad angle
  • 9 - 2D tria angle
  • 10 - 3D warpage
  • 11 - 3D aspect
  • 12 - 3D tetra altitude aspect
  • 13 - 3D skew
  • 14 - 3D volumetric skew
  • 15- 3D length
  • 16 - 3D jacobian
  • 17 - 3D tetra collapse
  • 18 - 3D quad angle
  • 19 - 3D tria angle
  • 20 - 1D time step
  • 21 - 2D and 3D time step - no added mass
  • 22 - 2D and 3D time step - added mass
  • 23 - All elements time step
qavalue: value of qaparam to be measured against
qaplot: type of plotting of failed elements during qa check
  • 0 - highlight failed elements
  • 1 - used color assigned plot
qanegjac: check for negative jacobians after morphing
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - on
smoothmeth: method used for automatic smoothing
  • 0 - none
  • 1 - autodecide
  • 2 - size corrected
  • 3 - shape corrected
  • 4 - angle corrected
  • 5 - QI optimized
  • 6 - kriging (or autodecide for elements outside of local domains)
  • 7 - kriging (or size corrected for elements outside of local domains)
  • 8 - kriging (or shape corrected for elements outside of local domains)
  • 9 - kriging (or angle corrected for elements outside of local domains)
  • 10 - kriging (or QI optimized for elements outside of local domains)
  • 11 - kriging (ignore elements outside of local domains)
smoothiter: number of iterations for smoothmeth (options 1 - 4 and 6 - 9 only)
cubestat: status of morph volume database (internal use only)
mvcolor: range is 0 through 63 inclusive
mvdraw: number of points along morph volume edges during drawing
mvtol: 0.0 - 1.0, determines whether a node is within a given morph volume
mvmode: method for calculating morph volume edge shape
  • 0 - Lagrange
  • 1 - spline
mvon: morphing of nodes inside of morph volumes
  • 0 - inactive
  • 1 - active
  • 2 - skin only
mvgraph: style of graphics for morph volumes
  • 0 - wireframe
  • 1 - transparent level 1 (low)
  • 2 - opaque
  • 3 - transparent level 2 (medium)
  • 4 - transparent level 3 (high)
mconcolor: default color for morphconstraints - range is 0 through 63 inclusive
remesh: frequency of auto-remeshing
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - manual
  • 2 - on release
remeshtype: elements used when auto-remeshing
  • 0 - trias
  • 1 - quads
  • 2 - mixed
  • 3 - right trias
remeshsize: use size control when auto-remeshing
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - on
remeshskew: use skew control when auto-remeshing
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - on
remeshpres: preserve shapes when auto-remeshing
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - on
remeshfail: percentage of failed elements needed to trigger auto-remeshing
remeshtarg: default size of remeshed elements during auto-remeshing
rmthreed: flag for remeshing 3D elements during auto-remeshing
  • 0 – do not remesh 3D and 2D face domains
  • 1 – remesh 3D and 2D face domains
rmedges: flag for remeshing edge domains during auto-remeshing
  • 0 – do not remesh edge domains
  • 1 – remesh edge domains
remeshstat: internal use only
kriging: frequency of kriging solver
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - manual
  • 2 - manual (internal use only)
  • 3 - automatic
krigtype: kriging will be applied to the following entities:
  • 0 - none
  • 1 - global domains
  • 2 - local domains
  • 3 - local and global domains
  • 4 - morph volumes
  • 5 - morph volumes and global domains
  • 6 - morph volumes and local domains
  • 7 - morph volumes, local, and global domains
krigdrift: drift value for kriging algorithm
  • 0 - none
  • 1 - constant
  • 2 - linear
  • 3 - quadratic
  • 4 - cubic
  • 5 - trigonometric
krigcovar: covariance value for kriging
  • 0 - h
  • 1 - h^2 * log(h)
  • 2 - h^3
  • 3 - exp(-1/x)
krignugget: use nugget value
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - on
krignugval: value of nugget used in kriging algorithm
connectors: style of morphing for connectors
  • 0 - off
  • 1 - solve all as clusters
  • 2 - solve all as stretchable
  • 3 - solve seam and area connectors as stretchable and others as clusters
onedmethod: method used for 1D and connector domains
  • 1 - independent
  • 2 - slave
  • 3 - master
  • 4 - cluster
onedrot: rotation of 1D cluster domains and connectors
  • 0 - no rotation
  • 1 - tilting only (out-of-plane)
  • 2 - spinning only (in-plane)
  • 3 - full rotation
fesolver: type of solver to use for domains under the fesolverlimit
  • 0 - influence coefficients
  • 1 - linear (OptiStruct)
  • 2 - non-linear (RADIOSS)
fesolve: frequency of fesolver solution
  • 0 - manual
  • 1 – on release
  • 2 – real time (interactive)
fesolverlimit: maximum number of elements in a domain to be solved using the fesolver
feuser: specifies which properties and material to use for solver
  • 0 - automatically generate properties and materials
  • 1 - use properties and materials in the model
ires: frequency of fea results plotting for the current model
  • 0 – off
  • 1 – manual
  • 2 – on release
  • 3 – real time
irescon: plotting style for fea results
  • 0 – contour plot
  • 1 – assign plot
iresmin: set the scale minimum value for fea results plotting
  • 0 – find minimum value
  • 1 – use value given in iresminval
iresmax: set the scale maximum value for fea results plotting
  • 0 – find maximum value
  • 1 – use value given in iresmaxval
iresminval: value of scale minimum used when plotting fea results
iresmaxval: value of scale maximum used when plotting fea results
iresmesh: color of mesh during fea results plotting (range is 0 through 63 inclusive)
irescomp: results component for fea results plotting
  • 0 – magnitude
  • 1 – x component
  • 2 – y component
  • 3 – z component
iressolver: Solution called during fea results plotting
  • 1 – Linear Static
  • 2 – Nonlinear Explicit
  • 3 – Stamping 1-Step
  • 4 – Stamping Incremental
iresmmres: minimum/maximum title plotting during fea results plotting
  • 0 – do not plot minimum and maximum titles
  • 1 – plot minimum and maximum titles
iresplinfo: info title plotting during fea results plotting
  • 0 – do not plot info titles
  • 1 – plot info titles
iresstmpx: x component of the stamping direction for the 1-step solver
iresstmpy: y component of the stamping direction for the 1-step solver
iresstmpz: z component of the stamping direction for the 1-step solver
The new value of the parameter.


To update the current biasing style for handles to sinusoidal:

*morphupdateparameter biasstyle 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {*morphupdateparameter...} ] } {
   # Handle error