
Creates a match type morphconstraint between two marks of elements so that they maintain a similar shape.


*morphconstraintcreatematch a_entity_type a_mark_id b_entity_type b_mark_id type name vec dist node_basea node_xa node_xya node_baseb node_xb node_xyb color


HyperWorks Tcl Query


This command will create a match type morphconstraint between two marks of elements such that they maintain a similar shape if the elements of either one mark or both marks are morphed. The two meshes do not have to be identical but the more similar they are the better the constraint will work.

This type of constraint can be used multiple times on the same set of elements in order to make three or more meshes match each other. Note that only shell elements can be matched using this constraint.


Must be set to elems.
The ID of the mark containing the first set of elems. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Must be set to elems.
The ID of the mark containing the second set of elems. Valid values are 1 and 2.
0 – Allow to slide normal to the mesh
1 – Allow sliding normal to the specified vector vec
2 – Match the shape between the two meshes
+4 – Stretch mesh around the constrained elements
The name of the morphconstraint.
The ID of the projection vector created using *createvector. Must be set to 1. Only used for type 1 and 5.
The distance to be maintained between the meshes. Not used for type 2 and 6.
ID of the base node of a local system oriented to the mesh specified by a_mark_id. Only used for type 2 and 6.
ID of the node lying in the x direction of a local system oriented to the mesh specified by a_mark_id. Only used for type 2 and 6.
ID of the node lying in the xy-plane of a local system oriented to the mesh specified by b_mark_id. Only used for type 2 and 6.
ID of the base node of a local system oriented to the mesh specified by b_mark_id. Only used for type 2 and 6.
ID of the node lying in the x direction of a local system oriented to the mesh specified by b_mark_id. Only used for type 2 and 6.
ID of the node lying in the xy-plane of a local system oriented to the mesh specified by a_mark_id. Only used for type 2 and 6.
The color of the constraint. Valid values are 1 through 64.


To create a match constraint which matches the shape between two meshes (type = 2) and uses mesh stretching (type +4 for a total of 6):

*createmark elements 1 83 84 86-90 93 95 96 98-102 105 107 *createmark elements 2 50-54 57 62-66 69 74-78 81
*createvector 1 1 0 0
*morphconstraintcreatematch elements 1 elements 2 6 "mcon" 1 0 133 135 110 60 62 86 38


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
