
Registers pre-existing FE to multiple connector IDs.


*CE_FE_RegisterAdvanced entity_type integer_array number_of_integers


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Registers pre-existing FE to multiple connector IDs. Successfully registering pre-existing FE forces a connector to its realized state.

To use this command, a connector must be in user control mode. Also, note that a single FE entity can be registered with, at most, a single connector. Any FE registered with a given connector is treated as part of that connector’s realization.


The FE type to be registered. Supported types are elements, systems, vectors, loads and equations.
The ID of the integer array that contains the input data. The integer array is created using the *createarray command. This should always be set to 1.
The array is a list of the following variables repeated in the following order:
  • connector_id - A single connector ID.
  • testpoint_index - The connector sub-index in which to register this FE. A connector line with a density of three has three sub-indices (0-2), and a connector point only has a single sub-index (0).
  • number_of_ids - The number of FE IDs for a given connector_id.
  • entity_id - The ID of an FE entity (of type entity_type) to be registered with a given connector_id.
Integer indicating the size (number of integers) in the integer array created using *createarray.


First, change connector 7 to the user control mode:
*CE_SetSpecificDetailById 7 2 1 0.0
Second, create the necessary arrays:
*createstringarray 3 "systems" "elements" "systems"
*createarray 3 30 2127 31
Third, call the *CE_FE_Register function for connector 7:
*CE_FE_Register 7 0 1 3 1 3
Finally, turn the user control mode off for connector 7 (optional):
*CE_SetSpecificDetailById 7 2 0 0.0

The following process registers elements 100 and 101 with connector 10, and elements 200, 201, and 202 with connector 20.

First, place connectors 10 and 20 in user control mode:
*createmark connectors 1 10 20
*CE_SetSpecificDetail 1 2 1 0
Second, create the necessary array of ints:
*createarray 11 10 0 2 100 101 20 0 3 200 201 202
Third, call *CE_FE_RegisterAdvanced function:
*CE_FE_RegisterAdvanced elements 1 11
Finally, turn off user control mode for connectors 10 and 20 (optional):
*CE_SetSpecificDetail 1 2 0 0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error