
Reorders the nodes in a 2D element.


*element2Dshiftnodes element_id mode shift_value first_node_id second_node_id direction_vector


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Reorders the nodes in 2D elements based on various modes.


The 2D element ID to reorder.
Determines how the nodes are reordered.
  • 1 - Shift the first node by the value given by shift_value.
  • 2 - Shift the first node by the value given by shift_value and reverse the element orientation.
  • 3 - Make first_node_id the first node.
  • 4 - Make first_node_id the first node and reverse the element orientation.
  • 5 - Make first_node_id the first node and second_node_id the second. This may reverse the element orientation.
  • 6 - Find the element’s oriented side closest to the direction of direction_vector and set the first 2 nodes to be this side.
  • 7 - Find the element’s oriented side closest to the direction of direction_vector and set the first 2 nodes to be this side with the reverse orientation.
When mode is 1 or 2, this is an integer defining the shift of the element nodes.
When mode is 3, 4 or 5, this defines the first node in the reordered 2D element.
When mode is 5, this defines the second node in the reordered 2D element.
The vector ID closest to the orientation of the element’s first and second nodes. This vector is created with *createvector.


If the original element ID 100 is ordered with nodes 34, 62, 88, 11.

To reorder element ID 100 as 88, 11, 34, 62:
*element2Dshiftnodes 100 1 2 0 0 0
To reorder element ID 100 as 88, 62, 34, 11 (reverse element normal):
*element2Dshiftnodes 100 2 2 0 0 0
To reorder element ID 100 as 62, 88, 11, 34:
*element2Dshiftnodes 100 3 0 62 0 0
To reorder element ID 100 as 62, 34, 11, 88:
*element2Dshiftnodes 100 4 0 62 0 0
To reorder element ID 100 as 88, 62, 34, 11 (in this example it reverses the element normal too):
*element2Dshiftnodes 100 5 0 88 62 0
To reorder element ID 100 such that the two nodes that form a vector that is closest to the selected vector direction will chosen as n1, n2 while maintaining the element’s normal:
*createvector 1 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
*element2Dshiftnodes 100 6 0 0 0 1
To reorder element ID 100 such that the two nodes that form a vector closest to the selected vector direction will be chosen as n1, n2 (this option may reverse the elements normal):
*createvector 1 0.0000 1.0000 0.0000
*element2Dshiftnodes 100 7 2 0 0 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error