
Renumbers nodes and elements based on spatial locations.


*spatialrenumbering entity_type <option1>=<value1> <option2>=<value2> ... <optionN.=<valueN>


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Renumbers nodes and elements based on spatial locations.


The type of entity to renumber. Valid values are nodes and elements.
The type of renumbering, axis or adjacent.
Adjacent only works with quad4 or quad8 elements and associated nodes.
The ID to be assigned to the first entity. The value must be an unsigned integer. This option also works with parameters of integer type.
The ID increment in the primary direction. The value must be an unsigned integer. This option also works with parameters of integer type.
The ID increment in the secondary direction. The value must be an unsigned integer. This option also works with parameters of integer type.

The following options apply to type=axis only:

systemid =<systemid>
The ID of system. For global system, a value of 0 must be used. The system should be either Cartesian or cylindrical.
The primary axis of the system. x=1, y=2 and z=3 for Cartesian systems. r=1, θ=2 and z=3 for cylindrical systems.
The allowed tolerance between entities in the primary direction. The value must be a double. This option also works with parameters of double type.
The secondary axis of the system. x=1, y=2 and z=3 for Cartesian systems. r=1, θ=2 and z=3 for cylindrical systems. This must not be equal to primaryaxis.
The allowed tolerance between entities in the secondary direction. The value must be a double. This option also works with parameters of double type.

The following options apply to type=adjacent only:

The ID of the start entity. This entity must be same as entity_type.
The ID of the primary entity. This entity must be same as entity_type and must be adjacent to the start entity.
The ID of the secondary entity. This entity must be same as entity_type and must be adjacent to the start entity.
A few notes about type=adjacent:
  • If the entity type for all three options is nodes, all three entities must belong to a common element apart from being adjacent to each other.
  • For quad8 elements, only provide ids of corner nodes of a common element as start, primary and secondary entity ID. Mid nodes as prime inputs are not supported.
  • The IDs of non-selected entities will be renumbered if any conflict arises during renumbering.
  • A single entity cannot be renumbered using this method.
  • If a secondary entity is not specified, or set as 0, the row/column containing the start and primary entities will be renumbered.


Renumber nodes using axis type and local system 1 with primary axis 1 and secondary axis 2:

*createmark nodes 1 all
*spatialrenumbering nodes mark=1 type=axis systemid=1 startid=100 primaryaxis=1 primarytolerance=0.2 primaryidincrement=1000 secondaryaxis=2 secondarytolerance=0.2 secondaryidincrement=1

Renumber elements using adjacent type and integer parameter named priInc (parameter value 100) used as primary ID increment by name:

*createmark elems 1 all
*spatialrenumbering elems mark=1 type=adjacent startentityid=555 startid=1 primaryentityid=557 primaryidincrement={parameter name=priInc} secondaryentityid=556 secondaryidincrement=1

Renumber a single column/row of nodes using adjacent type. Only a single column/row of entities will be renumbered:

*createmark elems 1 all
*spatialrenumbering elems mark=1 type=adjacent startentityid=41 startid=1 primaryentityid=40 primaryidincrement={parameter id=5} secondaryentityid=0 secondaryidincrement=1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
