
Creates a square, planar surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a square planar surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.


*surfaceplane plane id size


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Creates a square, planar surface, and optionally, prepares it for immediate use within the automesher. It can also identify a region in the shape of a square planar surface for the automesher to use under the mesh without surface option.


plane id
The ID of the plane (vector and base) on which the surface will be created.
The length of the edges of the surface.


To create a square, planar surface normal to the x axis, with the center at the origin, of size 10.0, but not create any elements:


*createplane() is required for this command. The *surfacemode(4) directive tells HyperMesh not to pass the information on to the automesher for element creation.

