
Fits an inferred surface through the selected plate or shell elements and measures their chordal deviation from the inferred surface or from the geometric surface to which they belong, and puts those that exceed the given threshold on the specified outputmark.


*elementtestchordaldeviation entities markmask maxdeviation outputmark contour title


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Fits an inferred surface through the selected plate or shell elements and measures their chordal deviation from the inferred surface or from the geometric surface to which they belong, and puts those that exceed the given threshold on the specified outputmark.


The entity types to be checked. Currently, elements is the only allowable option.
The mark that contains the elements to test.
The value to use as a threshold beyond which elements should be considered to have failed the test.
The mark where HyperMesh should put the elements that fail the test.
A code telling if HyperMesh should:
  • 0 - Display the results of the test normally.
  • 1 - Display the elements color coded by their ratings.
  • 2 - Build a histogram showing the distribution of ratings.
The title to label the curve in the histogram.


*createmark(elements,1) "displayed"
*elementtestchordaldeviation(elements,1,0.1,2,0,"Element Chordal Deviation")

It is somewhat problematic to define chordal deviation for second order elements. HyperMesh treats second order elements as if they were first order for the purposes of this check.