
Adds a morph volume face, subtracts a morph volume face, or clears all morph volume faces from the specified user mark.


*morphmanagefacemark mvol_id face_id mlist mode


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command allows you to add a face, subtract a face, or clear all faces from a specified morph volume face user mark. Because morph volumes can share faces, the morph volume ID for the face must also be specified when adding or subtracting a face. When clearing a mark the morph volume ID field can hold any value. Since morph volume faces are not treated as independent entities, marks containing faces can only be managed through this external command. For commands that require face marks as input, this command must be used to place faces on the mark. The mark should be cleared before and after use to ensure clean operation.


The ID of the morph volume. Can be any value when clearing the mark.
The ID of the morph volume face.
The ID of the user mark. Valid values are 0-3.
1 – Add face to mlist
2 – Subtract face from mlist
3 – Clear all faces from mlist


To add a face to the mark:

*morphmanagefacemark 2 4 0 1

To clear the first user mark:

*morphmanagefacemark 0 0 0 3


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
