
Generates a shrink wrap mesh of shell or solid elements.


*shrinkwrapmesh entity_type entity_mark_id feature_mark_id mesh_size feature_angle mesh_type projection_type min_checkval system_id create_hole_elements hole_patch_size gap_patch_size


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command generates a shrink wrap mesh of shell elements or its corresponding voxel mesh solid elements. This primarily differs from the command *hmshrinkwrap in that it can be used to generate solid elements. Furthermore, the tight mesh generated by this command better adheres to the input geometry without the need to directly specify features. Nevertheless, it is still possible to specify features for cases when it is desired to have mesh lines follow non-geometric features.


The type of entity to use as input for generating the shrinkwrap mesh. Valid values are elems, comps, nodes, points, surfs and solids.
The ID of the input mark entity mark. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The ID of the mark containing 1D feature elements. Valid values are 1 and 2. The mark may be empty, or a value of 0 can be used instead.
The numerical value of the desired element size.
This angle is used to calculate geometric features. If less than 0.0, the model's mesh feature is utilized. A standard value is 30.0.
The type of mesh to generate. Valid values are:
0 - Unsmoothed, unprojected shell elements representing skin of outer voxel mesh.
1 - Triangle shell mesh.
2 - Quad shell mesh.
3 - Predominant quad mesh, with triangles used to split quads with diagonals lying near (geometric) feature edges.
10 - Unsmoothed, unprojected hexa element pure voxel mesh.
11 - All hexa mesh.
12 - All hexa mesh with pentas used to best fit the input geometry.
13 - All tetrahedral mesh.
Flag indicating whether to create tight (projected) or smooth (unprojected) mesh. Valid values are:
0 - Smooth, unprojected mesh.
1 - Projected mesh adhering to specified feature angle.
The minimum allowed value of the corner-node Jacobian for hexa/penta meshes, or minimum allowed value of tet-collapse for all tetrahedral meshes.
ID of system used to orient mesh grid. A value of 0 implies no such mesh orientation.
Value of 1 denotes to create patch elements, else 0.
The input (topological) hole patch size.
The input (semantic) gap patch size.


Create a predominantly quad mesh with element size 4.0 that is projected using the model’s feature angle and that is aligned with the system with ID of 1. The input is all of the elements belonging to all components:

*createmark comps 1 all
*shrinkwrapmesh components 1 0 4.0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0

Create a predominantly solid mesh with element size 2.0 that is projected using a feature angle of 30.0 degrees and whose elements’ Jacobian is constrained to be greater than 0.3. Also, have the surface of the mesh adhere to the features denoted by the feature elements on mark 2. The input is all surfaces on mark 1:

*createmark surfs 1 1-10
*shrinkwrapmesh surfaces 1 2 2 30.0 12 1 0.3 0 0 0 0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

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