
Create a rigid link element with dependent nodes attached as a node set connected to the element. The attached node set may exist before or may be created from a given mark of dependent nodes while the rigid link element is created.


*rigidlinkwithset independent mark dependent_set dof


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Create a rigid link element with dependent nodes attached as a node set connected to the element. The attached node set may exist before or may be created from a given mark of dependent nodes while the rigid link element is created.


The independent node of the element.
The ID of the mark containing the dependent nodes if the dependent nodes set is created for the rigid link element;
0 – if an existing nodes set is being attached to the rigid link.
The ID of an existing nodes set being attached to the rigid link; 0 – if the rigid link and an attached nodes set are being created using a mark of dependent nodes.
The degrees of freedom for which the element is active (any of the digits 1-6).


To create a rigid link element with independent node 100 and dependent nodes 101, 102, and 103 with nodes having all six degrees of freedom:

*createmark(nodes,2) 101 102 103

A new nodes set with an autogenerated name is created for the rigid link element, the dependent nodes 101,102,103 being placed to this nodes set.

To create a rigid link element with independent node 100 and node set 25 attached as a dependent node set, with nodes having all six degrees of freedom:


The *createmark() command is required to create a rigid link element with an attached independent node set.

