
Clears all ID ranges for various portions of a model.


*clearallidranges id_or_type mode


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Clears all ID ranges for various portions of a model.


The submodel ID or entity type, depending on the requested mode.
bymodel – Clear all ID ranges in the whole model.
bysubmodel – Clear all ID ranges in a submodel.
byentities – Clear all ID ranges on an entity type in the whole model.
byexcludedmodel – Clear all excluded IDs in the whole model.
byexcludedsubmodel – Clear all excluded IDs in a submodel.
byexcludedentities – Clear all excluded IDs on an entity type in the whole model.


To clear all ID ranges for the whole model:
*clearallidrange 0 bymodel
To clear all ID ranges for an include:
*clearallidrange $include_id bysubmodel
To clear ID ranges for all comps in the model:
*clearallidrange comps byentities
To clear all excluded IDs in the whole model:
*clearallidrange 0 byexcludedmodel
To clear all excluded IDs in an include
*clearallidrange $include_id byexcludedsubmodel
To clear excluded in an entity type cross the model:
*clearallidrange groups byexcludedentities


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
