
Finalizes a sequence of multi-file batch import/merge operations.




HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Finalizes a sequence of multi-file batch import/merge operations. This is intended to improve performance of importing/merging a series of files. Certain operations that generally are run for each import/merge, and queued up and executed just once at then end of the import. These operations are different for each type of import/merge operation, and therefore cannot be mixed. It is essential to only import/merge valid file types per the mode argument. This command must be preceded by a corresponding call to *start_batch_import. It is potentially dangerous to perform other operations within a *start_batch_import/*end_batch_import block, so take proper precaution and make sure to always call these commands in pairs.


To execute a sequence of importing multiple CAD files, where the variable cad_files contains the list of files:
*start_batch_import 3
foreach cad_file $cad_files {
    *feinputwithdata2 "#Detect" "$cad_file" 1 0 -0.01 0 0 1 0 1 0

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