
Used to read entities on mark ID 1 into an internal solidmap entity array.


*solid_prepare_entitylst entity_type reserved


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command is used by the solid mapping algorithm to setup internal entity arrays. It must be used within a *solidmap_prepare_usrdataptr data input block. A data input block begins with *solidmap_prepare_usrdataptr and ends with either a call to *solidmap_end or the start of another data input sub-block.


The type of entity contained on mark ID 1. Valid values are lines, surfaces or elements.
For SOURCE data input blocks, elements are required to be specified either directly using this command or indirectly by auto-completing the selection based on the input geometry.
For DEST data input blocks, if the elements bit is specified for the *solidmap_prepare_usrdataptr command but no elements are specified using this command, the selection is auto-completed based on the input geometry.
Reserved for future use. Must be set to 0.


For a solidmap using the following inputs:

Source geometry – lines 73 and 51;

Destination geometry – lines 32 and 41;

Along geometry – lines 74 and 75, surfaces 100 and 95, nodes 80 and 101-105;

Element size - 10

*solidmap_begin 1

*solidmap_prepare_userdataptr "SOURCE" 10
*createmark lines 1 73 51
*solid_prepare_entitylst lines 0

*solildmap_prepare_userdataptr "DEST" 2
*createmark lines 1 32 41
*solid_prepare_entitylst lines 0

*solidmap_prepare_userdataptr "ALONG" 7
*createmark lines 1 74 75
*solid_prepare_entitylst lines 0
*createmark surfs 1 100 95
*solid_prepare_entitylst surfs 0
*createlist nodes 2 80 101 102 103 104 105
*solid_prepare_nodeline 0

*solidmap_end 0 10 0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error