
Updates rigidlink and RBE3 elements to remove free legs and optionally update the weights


*updatefree1delements input_mark_id output_mark_id update_weight summary_filename


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Updates rigidlink and RBE3 elements to remove free legs and optionally update the weights. If all legs of the rigidlink or RBE3 are free, the element is deleted.


The ID of the mark containing the rigidlink and rbe3 elements to consider. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The ID of the mark containing any elements that have been modified. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Flag to determine whether to update leg weights to 1.0. Valid values are:
0 - Do not update weights.
1 - Update weights.
summary_filename (optional)
Log file to output, containing a summary of what was modified. If not needed, use "". Otherwise, the full path and filename must be specified.
The output of the file is as follows:
[Total # of deleted elements]
[Deleted element ID 1]
[Deleted element ID 2]
[Deleted element ID N]
[Total # of updated elements]
[Updated element ID 1, # of original legs, # of final legs, weighting factor before {W1, W2, ..., WN TOTAL}, weighting factor after {W1, W2, ..., WN TOTAL}]
[Updated element ID 2, # of original legs, # of final legs, weighting factor before {W1, W2, ..., WN TOTAL}, weighting factor after {W1, W2, ..., WN TOTAL}]
[Updated element ID N, # of original legs, # of final legs, weighting factor before {W1, W2, ..., WN TOTAL}, weighting factor after {W1, W2, ..., WN TOTAL}]


To update all displayed elements, with the affected elements going to mark 2, without updating the weights, and write the summary to C:/summary.txt

*createmark elems 1 displayed
*updatefree1delements 1 2 0 C:/summary.txt


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
