
Extract the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results, and achieve smoothed plies from free-size optimization results on composites.


*ossmooth_12 modelsel exemode load_op outputcode filepath_fem filepath_sh filepath_grid isosurface autobead string_array number_of_strings


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Extract the final design geometry from OptiStruct topology, topography and shape optimization results, and achieve smoothed plies from free-size optimization results on composites.


Model selection option.
0 – Specify model file path to read.
1 – Use current model in HyperMesh.
Flag indicating the execution mode of OSSmooth. Valid values are:
  • 0 - Extract geometry only
  • 1 - Extract geometry and inherit boundary conditions for FEA reanalysis
  • 2 - Smoothing plies from free-sizing optimization results on composites
Execution/load option. Valid values are:
  • 0 – Create .oss file only to be used in standalone version (do not execute ossmooth)
  • 1 – Do not load geom into HyperMesh.
  • 2 – Load geom intoHyperMesh.
Output file format. Valid values are:
  • 1 – Nastran
  • 2 – IGES
  • 3 – STL
  • 4 – H3D
  • 5 – STEP
  • 7 – IGES (advanced)
The full name and path to the OptiStruct .fem results file generated from the optimization.
The full name and path to the OptiStruct .sh results file generated from the optimization.
The full name and path to the OptiStruct .grid results file generated from the optimization.
Flag indicating whether to create an isosurface.
  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No
Flag indicating whether to create an autobead design.
  • 1 - Yes
  • 0 - No
The ID of the string array that contains the additional parameters. The string array is created using the *createstringarray command. This should always be set to 1.
Integer indicating the size (number of strings) in the string array created using *createstringarray. The valid strings are documented below.
Each argument can be either space or comma separated. There will be at most five strings of parameters, depending on the operations selected. Each string is introduced as follows:
"isosurf: surfacecode surfacemode densitythreshold detectbridge lowthreshold distancecoefficient optismoothboundary lapiteration lapfeatureangle lapsmoothboundary drawrecovery"
This sting is only required when isosurface = 1.
The method used for isosurface extraction. Valid values are:
  • 0 - No smoothing, isosurface only
  • 1 - Optimization based smoothing
  • 2 - No smoothing, element threshold
  • 3 - Laplacian smoothing
Isosurface mode indicating how to process non-design elements. Valid values are:
  • 0 - Keep all non-design elements with half layer around
  • 1 - Split only intersected non-design elements
  • 2 - Split overlap non-design elements with half layer around
  • 3 - Split overlap non-design elements
Threshold value for topology optimization (real value ≥ 0 and ≤ 1).
Flag indicating whether to detect connectivity in isosurface (1=yes, 0=no).
The low density threshold for connectivity detection (real value ≥ 0 and ≤ 1). Low threshold value must be smaller than density threshold value.
The distance coefficient to use in optimization based smoothing (real value ≥ -50 and ≤ 50).
Flag indicating whether to include the boundary or not in optimization based smoothing (1=yes, 0=no).
The number of iterations to use in Laplacian smoothing (integer ≥ 0).
The feature angle to use in Laplacian smoothing (real value ≥ 1 and ≤ 80).
Flag indicating whether to include the boundary or not in Laplacian smoothing (1=yes, 0=no).
Flag indicating whether to recovery draw constraints in topology optimization (1=yes, 0=no).
"autobead: shapeopt beadthreshold autobeadlayer"
This string is only required when autobead > 0.
Method used for topography or shape optimization interpretation. Valid values are:
  • 1 – Create autobead
  • 2 – Update new coordinates to original mesh
Threshold value for autobead (real value ≥ 0 and ≤ 1).
Layer value for autobead (integer value 1 or 2).
"remesh: remeshsize meshtype attachtype remeshlayer remeshfeatureangle"
This string is only required when using remeshing.
The element size used in remeshing.
Flag indicating the elements generated in remeshing. Valid values are:
  • 0 - trias
  • 1 - quads
  • 2 - mixed
  • 3 - right trias
Flag indicating which elements will be remeshed. Valid values are:
  • 0 - Remeshing a numer of layers elements around PLOT elements
  • 1 - Remeshing all elements
The number of layers when attachtype = 0 (integer ≥ 0).
The feature angle used in remeshing.
"other_params: units tetrameshingcode createplot surfacereduction reductionfeatureangle"
This string is required when isosurface = 1 or autobead = 1.
Units used for IGES and STEP output. Valid values are:
  • 1 - inch
  • 2 - mm
  • 4 - foot
  • 6 - meter
  • 10 - cm
Flag indicating whether to create tetramesh after creating isosurface (1=yes, 0=no).
Flag indicating whether to create PLOT elements (1=yes, 0=no).
Flag indicating whether to use surface reduction (1=yes, 0=no).
The feature angle to used for surface reduction (real value ≥ 1 and ≤ 80).
"ply: plyfile plysmoothiteration smallregiontype smallregion splitdisconnected"
This string is required when exemode = 2.
The full name and path to the .fem file to save the smoothed result plies.
The number of iterations to use in ply shape smoothing (integer ≥ 0).
Flag indicating method used for small region (element patch or hole) detection. Valid values are:
  • 0 - Detect small regions by area ratio
  • 1 - Detect small regions by element count
Threshold value to use for small region elimination. Small region depends on smallregiontype: when smallregiontype = 0, this indicates the area ratio (real value ≥ 0 and < 1, calculated by small region area/total design area). When smallregiontype = 1, this indicates the element count (integer, ≥0).
Flag indicating whether to split disconnected patches into new plies (1=yes, 0=no).


To execute OSSmooth FEA reanalysis on the current model in HyperMesh (the C:/test/os1.fem and c:/test/os1.sh files), create isosurface with 0.3 density threshold, split all quads on non-design/design interface, Laplacian smoothing, with 10 iterations and 30 degrees feature angle, do remeshing on 2 layers of elements around PLOT, with element size 0.5, and feature angle 30:

*createstringarray 3 "isosurf: 3 3 0.3 0 -1 0 0 10 30 1 0" "remesh: 0.5 0 0 2 30" "other_params: 1 0 0 0 10"
*ossmooth_12 1 1 0 3 "c:/test/os1.fem" "c:/test/os1.sh" "" 1 0 1 2
To execute ply smoothing on C:/test/os2.fem, eliminate small element patches and holes with less than 20 elements, smoothing plies with 20 iterations, split disconnected patches into new plies, export smoothed result plies into C:/test/os2_smooth.fem:
*createstringarray 1 "ply: C:/test/os2_smooth.fem 20 1 20 1"
*ossmooth_12 0 2 0 1 "C:/test/os2.fem" "" "" 0 0 1 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
