
Matches domains to surfaces for a subsequent fitting operation.


*morphstorematch domain_id surface_id mode


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command allows you to predetermine which domains match with which surfaces when using the *morphfittosurface command and the one to one mapping option. There are two ways to use this command, one is to call it for each pair of domains and surfaces, passing in the IDs to store as matches; the other is to call it once and automatically match all the overlapping domains and surfaces in pairs. In the case of matching domains to surfaces automatically, a domain’s nodes must be associated to a surface for a match to be registered.


ID of a 2D domain to map to a surface.
ID of a surface to map to a 2D domain.
0 - Clear the current list of matching domains and surfaces
1 - Add the given domain and surface pair to the current list
2 - Clear the list and fill it with all overlapping domain and surface pairs


To set the fitting list to have three pairs of domains and surfaces:

*morphstorematch 0 0 0
*morphstorematch 2 4 1
*morphstorematch 3 5 1
*morphstorematch 4 11 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
