
Generates gauge design variables automatically.


*gaugedesvarcreategeneralized mark_id value_flag initial_value ub_percent upper_bound lb_percent lower_bound delxv ddval_id property_type separate name


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command creates design variables for property thickness and orientations, and then automatically generates sizing variables (DVPREL1) using those design variables.


The mark ID containing properties. Valid values are 1 and 2.
Flag indicating if the thickness/orientation is to be used from the corresponding property card or from the values specified.
  • 0 – Use the specified values.
  • 1 – Use the values from the property card.
The initial value of the design variable.
Specifies the upper bound by means of an increase in percentage over the initial value.
The upper bound of the design variable.
If ub_percent is greater than zero, then upper_bound is calculated based on ub_percent.
Specifies the lower bound by means of a decrease in percentage from the initial value.
The lower bound of the design variable.
If lb_percent is less than zero, then lower_bound is calculated based on lb_percent.
Move limit of the design variable.
The ID of a discrete design value. A value of 0 indicates that the design variable is continuous.
The type of property for the design variable:
  • 1 – Thickness on PSHELL properties.
  • 2 – Thickness on PCOMP / PCOMPG properties.
  • 3 – Orientation on PCOMP / PCOMPG properties.
A flag to indicate if separate design variables need to be created for each selected property.
  • 0 – Create only one design variable for all selected properties.
  • 1 – Create separate design variables for each selected property.
The name of the design variable. If separate is set to 1, then the names are generated automatically based on the names of the selected properties.


To create separate gauge design variables for two PCOMP properties, pcomp1 and pcomp2 with initial values based on the thickness of the individual plies. If, for example, pcomp1 has 3 plies and pcomp2 has 2 plies, a total of 5 design variables (and as many DVPREL1s) would be created.
*createmark properties 1 "pcomp1" "pcomp2"
*gaugedesvarcreategeneralized 1 1 0 1 20 1 -20 0.5 0 2 1 ""


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error