
Reorders the nodes in a 3D element.


*element3Dshiftnodes element_id_3D mode shift_value first_node_id last_node_id second_node_id element_id_2D


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Reorders the nodes in 3D elements based on various modes.


The 3D element ID to reorder.
Determines how the nodes are reordered.
  • 1 - Reorder the nodes as defined by the shift_value argument (2 digit value).
  • 2 - Reorder the nodes defined by 3 nodes in the 3D element. The first_node_id, last_node_id and second_node_id arguments define the new base face.
  • 3 - Reorder the nodes by referencing a face element defined by the element_id_2D argument.
  • 4 - Reorder the nodes as defined by the shift_value (1 digit value) and first_node_id arguments.
When mode is 1, this is a 2 digit integer. The first digit defines the element’s new base face index, while the second defines the index of the new first node for that face.
When mode is 4, this is a 1 digit integer. The digit defines the element’s new base face index.
Defines the first node in the reordered 3D element, when mode is 2.
Defines the first node in the new base, when mode is 4.
Defines the last node in the reordered 3D element base face, when mode is 2.
Defines the second node in the reordered 3D element base face, when mode is 2.
The 2D element ID to use as the base face for the reordered 3D element. The first node of this 2D element becomes the first node of the 3D element.


To reorder nodes in hexa element 213 so that the first node of the third face becomes the element’s first node:
*element3Dshiftnodes 213 1 31 0 0 0 0
To reorder nodes in hexa element 213 so that the face containing nodes 137, 138, and 139 becomes the hexa’s base face:
*element3Dshiftnodes 213 2 0 137 138 139 0
To reorder nodes in hexa element 213 so that its quadrilateral face element with ID 94 becomes the hexa’s new base face, and quad 94’s first node becomes the hexa's first node:
*element3Dshiftnodes 213 3 0 0 0 0 94
To reorder nodes in hexa element 213 so that node 94 of the third face becomes the hexa's first node:
*element3Dshiftnodes 213 4 3 94 0 0 0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error