
Assigns the given set of surfaces a non-plate type.


*midsurface_set_not_a_plate_side mark_id use_base_surfaces functionality


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command changes the plate information for every surface on the input mark. The command can be used to set the surfaces to be:
  • Plate edge (known as "not a plate side" in 12.0)
  • Transition surface
  • Not a trim surface
If the base surface information is to be taken into account, the command will also do a preliminary check whether the given set of surfaces includes any base surfaces or not. If there is any base surface present, the command will exit without doing anything.
Note: Base surfaces can only be parts of offset plates. They cannot be a part of planar plates, sweep plates, plate edges, transitions, or not-a-trim surfaces.


The ID of the mark containing the input surfaces. Valid values are 1 and 2.
This specifies whether the user-defined base surfaces will be taken into account or not to specify the surface type. Valid values are:
0 - Base surface information is not taken into account. There is no restriction as to which surfaces can become plate edges, transition surfaces or not-a-trim surfaces.
1 - Base surface information is taken into account. If the input mark contains a base surface, the command will not do anything.
Specifies what non-plate are the surfaces in the input mark turned into:
0 - Set all surfaces on the input mark to become transition surfaces
1 - Set all surfaces on the input mark to become plate edges
2 - Reserved for future development, do not use
3 - Set all surfaces on the input mark to become not-a-trim surfaces


To set the surfaces with IDs 5 through 7 to be transition surfaces, including a check for the input mark to contain base surfaces:

*createmark surfaces 1 5 6 7
*midsurface_set_not_a_plate_side 1 1 0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
