
Performs interactive BatchMeshing.


*hm_batchmesh2 entity_type mark_id string_array number_of_strings criteria_file param_file


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Performs interactive BatchMeshing.

Currently, to undo this command, call *rejectbatchmesh with no parameters. Reject is possible only if the save_model string parameter is omitted or set to 1. Undo is also not possible after any other command is called.


The entity type to perform the BatchMeshing for. Valid values are surfs and comps.
The ID of the mark containing the entities to mesh. Valid values are 1 and 2.
The ID of the string array that contains the additional input parameters. The string array is created using the *createstringarray command. This should always be set to 1.
Each string must be space and/or = separated between the name and value. Strings can be grouped in any manner, and can appear in any order.
Valid strings are:


The target element size.
If set as a positive value, then the criteria_file and param_file arguments are either scaled if params_generate_mode is set to "scale", or ignored and the criteria and parameter values are auto-generated using some default values adjusted to the given size.
The following mesh and geometry cleanup strings have an effect only if elem_size is specified and has a valid value.
Defines the auto-generate mode. Valid values are:
generic - Generic, universal parameters are created (default)
scale - The given criteria_file and param_file files are scaled to elem_size.
midmesh - Parameters specialized for shell models obtained by mid-surface extraction are created
shell - Parameters specialized for shell models are created
solid - Parameters specialized for solid models are created
The minimum element size, used for quality criteria auto-generation. Default is 0.3*elem_size.
The maximum element size, used for quality criteria auto-generation. Default is 1.75*elem_size.
0 - Trias
1 - Quads
2 - Mixed (default)
1 - First (default)
2 - Second
The minimum angle, in degrees, between elements for feature element edges. Default 25.
0 - Geometry cleanup is applied (default)
1 - Geometry cleanup is not applied

The following geometry cleanup strings have an effect only if no_geomcleanup is 0.

0 - Small hole removal during geometry cleanup is enabled (default). The default diameter for removal is max(0.4*elem_size, 0.8*min_elem_size).
1 - Small hole removal during geometry cleanup is disabled.
0 - Holes seeding with fixed points during geometry cleanup is enabled (default).
1 - Holes seeding with fixed points during geometry cleanup is disabled.
0 - Washer creation is enabled (default).
1 - Washer creation is disabled.
0 - Nodes are allowed to be moved across non-feature geometry edges (default).
1 - Nodes are not allowed to move off geometry edges.
0 - Advanced feature capturing is enabled (default).
1 - Advanced feature capturing is disabled.

0 - Mesh connectivity is maintained with parts of the model not selected (default).
1 - Mesh connectivity is broken with parts of the model not selected.
0 - Plot elements are deleted. This is how standalone Batchmesher behaves.
1 - Plot elements are not deleted (default).

0 - Temp files are not created (default). This improves performance but internal rollback of failed steps is not possible.
1 - Temp files are created in a temp directory and removed after command completion. This decreases performance but allows internal rollback of failed steps.
2 - Temp files are created in a temp directory and kept after command completion. This decreases performance but allows internal rollback of failed steps.
0 - A backup model is not saved and reject of the command is not possible.
1 - A backup model is saved with an auto-generated name with the prefix batchmeshbackup, and reject of the command is possible (default).
Integer indicating the size (number of strings) in the string array created using *createstringarray.
The full path and file name of the criteria file. If the criteria are set by a preceding command, "dummy" can be used.
This is ignored if params_generate_mode is set in the strings input.
The full path and file name of the parameter file. If the params are set by a preceding command, "dummy" can be used.
This is ignored if params_generate_mode is set in the strings input.


BatchMesh surfaces 36 and 79 using the criteria file C:/crit/10mm.criteria and parameters file C:/crit/10mm.param, with all other default parameters:
*createmark surfs 1 36 79
*hm_batchmesh2 surfs 1 1 0 "C:/crit/10mm.criteria" "C:/crit/10mm.param"
BatchMesh surfaces 36 and 79 using the criteria file C:/crit/10mm.criteria and parameters file C:/crit/10mm.param, breaking mesh connectivity, with all other default parameters:
*createmark surfs 1 36 79
*createstringarray 1 "breakconnectivity = 1"
*hm_batchmesh2 surfs 1 1 0 "C:/crit/10mm.criteria" "C:/crit/10mm.param"
BatchMesh surfaces 36 and 79 with element size 8.0 and minimum size 3.75. Use auto-generated shell criteria and parameters. Allow internal reject steps via temp files:
*createmark surfs 1 36 79
*createstringarray 2 "elem_size = 8 min_elem_size = 3.75 params_generate_mode = shell" "batchtempfilesmode = 1"
*hm_batchmesh2 surfs 1 1 2 "dummy" "dummy"
BatchMesh surfaces 36 and 79 with element size 7.0, using scaling of the criteria C:/crit/10mm.criteria and parameters file C:/crit/10mm.param. Do not output temporary files to allow internal reject:
*createmark surfs 1  36 79
*createstringarray 2 "elem_size = 7.0 params_generate_mode = scale" "batchtempfilesmode = 0"
*hm_batchmesh2 surfs 1 1 2 "C:/crit/10mm.criteria" "C:/crit/10mm.param"


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
