
Assigns proximity parameters to the adaptive wrapper mesher.


*adaptive_wrapper_proximity_params self_proximity_for_all prox_lower_bound string_array number_of_strings


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Assigns proximity parameters to the adaptive wrapper mesher. Both local and global proximity controls can be assigned. This command also allows an option for checking self proximity.

This command must be called after *adaptive_wrapper_init and before *adaptive_wrapper_build.


Global option to check self proximity for all elements. Gaps below this value are considered to be closed.
Lower proximity bound for global self proximity check.
The ID of the string array that contains the proximity control parameters. The string array is created using the *createstringarray command. This should always be set to 1.
Each string should be contained in quotes and contain one of the following parameters as keywords followed by the parameters values. Keywords and the corresponding values can be separated by a semicolon. Each keyword can be used multiple times to define different groups.
WithinGroup: <proximity lower bound> <self proximity flag> <number of comps> <comp IDs>...
Local option to check proximity within specified components. For example, to specify a lower proximity value of 0.5 for comps 11-13:
"WithinGroup: 0.5 1 3 10 12 13"
AcrossGroups: <proximity lower bound> <number of comps in first set> <comp IDs in first set> <number of comps in second set> <comp IDs in second set>
Local option to check proximity between two sets of components. For example, to specify a lower proximity value of 0.5 between comps 10-12 and 20-24:
"AcrossGroups: 0.5 3 10 11 12 5 20 21 22 23 24"
Integer indicating the size (number of strings) in the string array created using *createstringarray.


#Initialization of wrapper mesh with base mesh
*createmark elements 1 "all"
*adaptive_wrapper_init elements 1 1 0

# Define features
*clearmark elements 1 
*adaptive_wrapper_set_features 1 1 30 1 1

#Set various meshing and refinement parameters
*createstringarray 7 "LeakCheckNodes: 20 24 19" "GapPatchTolerance: 3.0" "HolePatchTolerance: 10.0" "RefineByBoxCompIds: 4 5 6" "RefineByNodeCurvature: 1" "RefineByFeatureProximity: 0" "RefineByAllElemSize: 1"
*adaptive_wrapper_set_params 10 0.1 1 7

#Proximity options
eval *createstringarray 3 "WithinGroup: 0.5 1 3 10 12 13" "WithinGroup: 1.5 3 9 20" "AcrossGroup: 0.5 3 10 12 13 4 9 8 7 19"
*adaptive_wrapper_proximity_params 1 0.2 1 3

#Build skeletal octree structure

#Generate mesh
*createstringarray 2  "DoRemesh: 1" "RemeshGrowthRate: 1.2"
*adaptive_wrapper_mesh 0 1 2

#End of wrapper mesh


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
