
Sets the color for all element quality parameters for elements violating the threshold.


*setelemparamscolors double_array number_of_doubles


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


This command is related to the element quality view mode. It sets the color for all element quality parameters for elements violating the threshold.


The ID of the double array containing the color values for each quality parameter. Must always be set to 1.
There are currently 12 quality parameters. The colors for each parameter must be specified, using a value of 1-64 for each. The order of the parameters is:
  • 0 - min size
  • 1 - max size
  • 2 - aspect ratio
  • 3 - warpage
  • 4 - max interior angle quad
  • 5 - min interior angle quad
  • 6 - max interior angle tria
  • 7 - min interior angle tria
  • 8 - skew
  • 9 - Jacobian
  • 10 - chordal deviation
  • 11 - quality index
Must currently be set to 12.


To set colors for all element quality parameters:

*createdoublearray 12 59 39 41 56 28 61 19 22 46 57 29 3
*setelemparamscolors 1 12


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
