
Clears memory used by the process to find holes in shell and solid meshes.




HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Clears memory used by the process to find holes in shell and solid meshes.

The process of finding holes requires the initialization of the process using *findholesinit. This initialization process requires the components or elements utilized by subsequent *findholesshell and *findholessolid commands. To utilize different input components or elements, the *findholesinit command needs to be rerun. After completing the find hole process, the command *findholesend should be called to clear the memory.


To find all open holes in the displayed 3D elements:
*createmark elems 1 displayed
*findholesinit elems 1 2 30 0 0
*findholessolid 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

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