
Removes from the unresolved IDs database a single ID for a specified entity type.


*clearunresolvedid entity_type entity_id


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


When importing a file that references entities that are in another file that is not imported at the same time, those entities are recorded and protected from overwrite so that the links will not be lost. This way, fragments of a larger model can be edited while keeping links to the other parts of the model intact.

If another fragment of the larger model containing some of the unresolved references is imported, HyperMesh will complete the links between the two model fragments and remove the protected entity IDs from the unresolved IDs database.

If you wish to discard one of those links for a certain entity type, this command will clear that unresolved ID from the database for that entity type.

Normally, the feinput system handles everything automatically. Therefore, the need to use this command is very rare and is provided for situations that need to exactly target the creation of new entities to fulfill the unresolved links.


The type of entity to remove the unresolved ID for.
The ID of the entity to remove from the unresolved ID database.


To remove ID 5 from the unresolved IDs database for properties:
*clearunresolvedid props 5


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error