

*tetmesh_set_input entity_type1 mark_id1 mode1 entity_type2 mark_id2 mode2


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Supplies additional input to *tetmesh.

For the special case that both inputs are inactive, this command clears selections from all previous calls to *tetmesh_set_input and *tetmesh. This is normally not necessary since such cleanup is normally done at the end of each call to *tetmesh.


The first entity type. Valid values are nodes, elems, comps, surfs and solids.
The ID of the mark containing the first entities. Valid values are 0 (inactive input), 1 and 2.
  • -1 - Ignored (inactive input)
  • 0 - Float without boundary layer
  • 1 - Fixed without boundary layer
  • 2 - Float with boundary layer
  • 3 - Fixed with boundary layer
  • 4 - Size control boxes
  • 5 - Anchor nodes
  • 6 - 3D re-mesh
  • 7 - 3D re-mesh with free boundary swappable-float.
  • 8 - 3D re-mesh with free boundary remeshable-float.
  • 9 - Remeshable-float without BL
  • 10 - Remeshable-float with BL,
  • 11 - Elem input for fluid volume selection. Either touched (or normal pointed into) are fluid volumes.
The second entity type. Valid values are nodes, elems, comps, surfs and solids.
The ID of the mark containing the second entities. Valid values are 0 (inactive input), 1 and 2.
  • -1 - Ignored (inactive input)
  • 0 - Float without boundary layer
  • 1 - Fixed without boundary layer
  • 2 - Float with boundary layer
  • 3 - Fixed with boundary layer
  • 4 - Size control boxes
  • 5 - Anchor nodes
  • 6 - 3D re-mesh
  • 7 - 3D re-mesh with free boundary swappable-float.
  • 8 - 3D re-mesh with free boundary remeshable-float.
  • 9 - Remeshable-float without BL
  • 10 - Remeshable-float with BL
  • 11 - Elem input for fluid volume selection. Either touched (or normal pointed into) are fluid volumes.


*createstringarray 1 "tet: 579 1.2 2 0 0.8 0 0"
*createmark comps 1 "^elem_size_ctrl_0.1" "^elem_size_ctrl_0.5"
*tetmesh_set_input comps 1 4 elems 0 -1
*createmark comps 2 "float_shells"
*createmark comps 1 "fixed_shells"
*tetmesh comps 2 0 comps 1 1 1 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
