
Splits shell elements using various methods.


*splitelements method mark_id


HyperMesh Tcl Modify


Splits shell elements using various methods.


  • Defines the method used to split the elements. Valid values are:
  • 2 - Divide quads, shortest diagonals
  • 12 - Divide quads, aligned diagonals
  • 21 - Split all sides
  • 22 - Divide quads, unionjack diagonals
  • 23 - Midpoint, to quads
  • 24 - Midpoint, to trias
  • 32 - Divide quats, largest angle diagonals
Add 4 to any method to enable the use of an inferred surface if no geometry exists. Add 100 to any of the "divide quad" methods to reverse the split direction.
The ID of the mark containing the elements to split. Valid values are 1 and 2.


To split quad elements 1-10 using unionjack diagonals:

*createmark elems 1 1-10
*splitelements 22 1

To split quad elements 1-10 using unionjack diagonals and using an inferred surface:

*createmark elems 1 1-10
*splitelements 26 1


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error