
Returns information about entity bundles.


hm_getentitybundleinfo option ?arg1? ?arg2? ... ?argN?


HyperMesh Tcl Query


Returns information about entity bundles.


option ?arg1? ?arg2? ... ?argN?
One of the following options:
-list - Returns a Tcl array of the defined entity bundle names
-isdefined <name> - Returns true/false, if there is a bundle definition by that name
-definition <name> - Returns an array of the entity types for that bundle definition
-definition <name> <datanumber> - Returns the entity type for that data number (starts from 0)
-isinbundle <name> <datanumber> <id> - Returns true/false, if that entity is in the bundle
-anyinbundle <name> - Returns true/false, if there is anything in the bundle
-anyinbundle <name> <datanumber> - Returns true/false, if there is anything in that data of the bundle
-count <name> <datanumber> - Returns how many entities are in that data of the bundle
-getids <name> <datanumber> - Returns a Tcl array of that data of the bundle
-markids <name> <datanumber> <mark> - Adds the entities of that data of the bundle to the specified mark


To return the list of entity types, in order, that constitute the definition of the bundle named "material bundle":

hm_getentitybundleinfo -definition "material bundle"
To find the bundle named "material bundle" and answer "true" if there is any entity stored in its first data item:
hm_getentitybundleinfo -anyinbundle "material bundle" 0
To find the bundle named "material bundle" and return a Tcl list of the IDs stored in its first data item:
hm_getentitybundleinfo -getids "material bundle" 0


Incorrect usage results in a Tcl error. To detect errors, you can use the catch command:
if { [ catch {command_name...} ] } {
   # Handle error

Version History
